instagram & facebook
Our Motherhood is active on Instagram here and on Facebook here. The links below are for information related to current discussions.
Bubba no like kale
Evaluation of Long-term Outcomes Associated With Preterm Exposure to Antenatal Corticosteroids: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Link to articles/editorial
COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy reduces hospitalisation in babies under 6 months due to COVID-19
Birth After Caesarean
Options after a caesarean section: planning a VBAC vs planning a caesarean. Pros, cons, chances of success and risks & benefits of each. My presentation slides from the BAC education sessions with midwife, Jacqui Morrison.
COVID-19 infections and stillbirth
Paracetamol use in pregnancy
‘Consensus recommendations’ and additional expert interpretations.
ABC News article & local vaccine information🤰
COVID-19 in pregnancy and vaccination
Vaccination decision guide for pregnant women (Australia, PDF)
Pregnancies, periods, and COVID-19 vaccines: what you need to know
BMJ living systematic review
Delta variant and pregnancy
Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons
The coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine in pregnancy: risks, benefits, and recommendations
COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy: What research shows
Postpartum care: Finding your tribe. Birth Trauma Awareness Week 2021
Melissa from Self Psychology, new Mum Tammy and I wrote an article for the Australasian Birth Trauma Association.
Read it here: Finding your Tribe.
COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy
Australia’s Department of Health supports advice by Obstetrician and Infectious Disease experts, recommending pregnant women are routinely offered Pfizer vaccine at any stage of pregnancy.
Queensland Health information for women
The above page contains a link to the Australian COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy.
A birthing on country service for First Nations Australians
Sian Davey - Looking for Alice
Sexual pain disorders and pregnancy/birth
CME article for health professionals
COVID-19, pregnancy and breastfeeding
ACOG guideline
9 cases of Coronavirus in pregnancy
Lancet study February 2020
Trauma-informed care
Trauma-informed practice is a journey of learning for all clinicians - about how trauma affects our patients, and a strengths-based approach to provide the support they need. We can make a difference. More full-text resources here:
Trauma-Informed Healthcare Approaches. Gerber M. 2019. Link | Review
Originally published by Danny Tucker on LinkedIn and as a Twitter 'Tweetorial’ (link).
Very few infants seem to be getting sick with COVID-19 and researchers aren't sure why. JAMA 2020
New mothers’ health improves if fathers can stay at home
Skin-to-skin / kangaroo mother care
Caesarean or normal birth?
Queensland Health provider guideline: Normal Birth (PDF).
Department of Health: Pregnancy Care Guideline 2019
Caesarean section rates by Australian region (PDF)
Private O&G (NASOG) patient information: Having a caesarean section
Long term risks with CS delivery 2018 review: full article and numbers needed to treat/harm table (DOCX): e.g. 19 caesareans would need to be done to prevent 1 woman developing incontinence. For every 70 caesareans done, one woman will have a miscarriage that would not have otherwise.