Student Internship in Perinatal Education and Training

Dr Tucker is seeking a student interested in perinatal medicine to work on a pilot, three-month project. The commitment would be 1-3 hours per week, consistent with prioritising current study and placement commitments, and ideally suited to a final year medical student interested in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. The pilot may extend over five months due to planned leave in 2022.

Learning outcomes

  • Broaden your understanding of the maternity environment and issues affecting consumers and professional practice

  • Ability to source and summarise evidence-based obstetric practice guidelines

  • Develop skills in producing effective educational materials for consumers and doctors in training

  • Enhance clarity of writing style and communication skills

  • Extend mixed media skills, including photography, video and interviewing techniques

Required competencies, attitudes and skills

  • A clinical student who has completed their O&G rotation preferred

  • Enthusiasm to learn and commit to projects

  • Motivated & independent worker

  • Confident personality & strong interpersonal skills

  • A collaborative approach to multidisciplinary working

  • Compassionate and approachable

Project outputs

  • Written and printed consumer education material to support clinical practice

  • Involvement with in-person and online consumer support/education

  • Social media posts and publications across channels including Instagram, Facebook, YouTube

  • Project evaluation, with potential for presentation at conferences or meetings

  • Potential to take part in local or national consumer/advocacy groups


  • Regular supervisor meetings for project planning, guidance and training

  • Education and feedback

  • Networking introductions

  • Mid- and final placement evaluations for and by the student intern and supervisor

How do I apply?

Maximum one A4 page application outlining why you are interested, the skills and aptitude you would bring to the role and a response to the statement below.

Consumer-focus in the maternity space. Has the pendulum swung too far?

Note, this is not a paid position. If you have any questions before applying, please email: